Arming an 8112 with delays.
COMMAND 1 is used to arm the entire system, bothperimeter and interior zones. Once you have entered COMMAND1, the exit delay time starts. You now have a predeterminedamount of time to exit the protected area before the system arms.
During the exit period you may move through motion detectorsor any protected area on your way to the exit door without causingan alarm. Enter your personal passcode to cancel COMMAND1.
NOTE: If you leave the building after the exit time expires,you may begin the entry delay, or initiate an alarm. If this happens,disarm your system by entering your personal passcode. If yoursystem reports to a Central Station, you may need to call themif an alarm occurs.
COMMAND 1 is useful in applications where you want yourcleaning service, a serviceman or anyone to arm your system whenthey leave, but you don't want them to have the passcode to disarmthe system. COMMAND 1 arms the system, but it will not disarmthe system.
To use COMMAND 1:
1. Ensure that all zones are secure. The display should showREADY TO ARM .
2. Press the COMMAND bar. The display should show SYSTEM COMMAND .
3. Press the 1 key. The display now alternates between ALL SECURE and EXIT NOW. After the exit delay expires, the display shortens to ALL SECURE .
4. To disarm your security system, enter your personal passcodebefore the delay time expires.
Part numbers D8112, D8112A, D8112E, D8112E1, D8112G, D8112G1, D8112G2