How-to: Disarm with a Valid Token and Rearm Automatically

How-to: Disarm with a Valid Token and Rearm Automatically


When a valid token is presented at the reader, the alarm system should disarm, and when the door is closed the alarm system should rearm itself.


Perform the following steps:

  1. In RADXAXS change disarm on open to "NO"
  2. For the point that is assigned to the D9210B change the point index to a 15. (Set the index up for a Momentary Keyswitch, point type 5, a response of a 1, and all other options are set to a "NO".)
  3. When the reader for that particuler area receives a valid card read then the area disarms, and when the door is opened then closed the area arms.
  4. For this to work a N/O contact must be used.
  5. Note: Using this method will disable the door contact to detect alarms. If alarm detection is desired then a shunted system should be used. Refer to the link below and page 133 for shunt time definitions.


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