How do I set up Repeater Mode Linking using two DSP-223s?
Two DSP-223s are capable of creating RF links from console to remote base stations/repeaters, with the use of Repeater Mode. Repeater Mode introduces a 400 Ms delay in the TX path, and removes the Hold Tone/LLGT notch filter. When the DSP-223 at the far end detects the tone sequence, it PTTs the Base Station/Repeater, and passes TX audio, which is broadcast. As long as the hold tone is detected, it will hold the channel open. The reverse takes place with a receive signal present at the base station/repeater.
This allows an RF link to be established with two mobile radios and two DSP-223s. This can be useful as either a primary or backup link.
This diagram shows two mobile radios configured to talk to each other. They are connected to an analog console, and use Tone signaling. This allows control of the base station/repeater with Tone control.
To activate repeater mode, download the current configuration, check the “Repeater Mode” checkbox in the software, and write it back to the DSP-223.
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