How-to backup and restore Dicentis SQL databases

How-to backup and restore Dicentis SQL databases

Version(s): >= 2.71 (manual backup and restore is possible in older versions)




Especially when using large databases it is advisable to make a backup occasionally in case something goes wrong. The manual describes ways to backup, restore and update the database quickly. This document describes how to use these options and when and also an alternative way for older versions.



Quick backup & restore:


The steps on how to quickly backup and restore the Dicentis databases to a *.bak file can be found in the Dicentis Software Manual for DCNM-SW amongst other database manipulations;

  • Making a backup of the database
  • Restoring a database
  • Updating a database to the current version
  • Creating a clean database
  • Deleting a database

A step that is occasionally omitted is the ‘update’ step. Even though the SQL version on which the database is running remains the same between Dicentis versions, the database version does change and needs to be updated when the backed up version was made on an earlier Dicentis version.

When the Meeting Application is started without updating the database to the latest version, it will crash with a .NET error.

In order to do update the database, follow the steps in the manual, reproduced here for convenience:

  1. Stop DICENTIS services using the DICENTIS Server Console.
  2. Open a command prompt in Administrator mode.
  3. Go to: C:\Program Files\Bosch\DICENTIS.
  4. To update the database to the current version, run exe.
  5. Restart the DICENTIS services using the DICENTIS Server Console.


Manual backup & restore:


Manual backup:


  1. Stop DICENTIS services using the DICENTIS Server Console.
  2. In Windows Services, stop SQL Server (SQLDICENTIS2014).
  3. Go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\.
  4. Copy the following files to the backup location (use a separate folder for each backup as files should not be renamed):
    1. DcnmDatabase.mdf
    2. DcnmDatabase_log.ldf
    3. DcnmLoggingDatabase.mdf
    4. DcnmLoggingDatabase_log.ldf
  5. In Windows Services, start SQL Server (SQLDICENTIS2014).
  6. Restart DICENTIS services using the DICENTIS Server Console.


Manual restore & update:


  1. Stop DICENTIS services using the DICENTIS Server Console.
  2. In Windows Services, stop SQL Server (SQLDICENTIS2014).
  3. Go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\.
  4. Copy the following files from the backup location to this location:
    1. DcnmDatabase.mdf
    2. DcnmDatabase_log.ldf
    3. DcnmLoggingDatabase.mdf
    4. DcnmLoggingDatabase_log.ldf
  5. In Windows Services, start SQL Server (SQLDICENTIS2014).
  6. Open a command prompt in Administrator mode.
  7. Go to: C:\Program Files\Bosch\DICENTIS.
  8. To update the database to the current version, run exe.
  9. Restart DICENTIS services using the DICENTIS Server Console.

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