How to configure the “E-Mail Sender” function in FSM?

How to configure the “E-Mail Sender” function in FSM?

How to configure the “E-Mail Sender” function in FSM.

Step-by-step guide

The first part is to configure the FSM Server with the proper data of the sender account.

Note: even if not especially requested, it is recommended to create an existing e-mail account, to use it as “e-mail sender” (for example alarmsender@.........), in order to prevent blocks by anti-spam filters.
Once the setup is finished, it is necessary to restart the service “FSMServer”, to make system changes take effect.
After the Server configuration, in FSM Client you can insert in the user properties the e-mail address where to send the messages.

Every signal received by the system (alarms, faults, etc…) will be sent at the e-mail address, even if the user is not logged-in.
Note: The signals that are sent are referred to the groups to which each user belongs

Since FSM Server version
Added TLS/SSL support for mail account on mail sender.
If Customer would like to set for example gmail account and use it as mail server, it works either on port 465 (SSL) or 587 (TLS).

Sample data for e-mail notification

Email notification is in plain text mode. This is a sample:

Oggetto: Event Notification

Data: 2016-11-24 10:11

Mittente: "FSM" <alarmreceiver@net.alesys.it>

Destinatario: alarmreceiver@net.alesys.it

Date/Time: 11/24/2016 10:11:13

Alarm type: Malfunction

Event: Alarm

Zone name: System

Sensor name: Loop 1-1.1

Alarm level: 0

Alarm subtype: Fault

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