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How to detect in an easy and convenient way if the camera suffers from a failing shutter mechanism (FFC > Flat Field Correction) which can result in white or ghost images?
Below instruction helps you to:
- Identify if the camera possibly suffers from a random failing shutter (FFC)
- instead of waiting for the FFC taking place approx every ~10min, you can now fire it on command.
- instead of waiting for the FFC taking place approx every ~10min, you can now fire it on command.
- And instructs you what to collect for the Technical support department in order to allow a RMA
In order to Execute the FFC on demand in a convenient and controlled way you can use for example one of the below 3 methods:
- Sent AUXON-467 to Execute a Flat-field correction
- Sent CGI command via the web browser:
http://ipaddress/rcp.xml?command=0x09A5&type=P_OCTET&direction=WRITE&num=1&payload=0x800004050C030127020003 Or Copy/Paste below script in the "Alarm Task Editor"
this way you can execute the FFC by calling pre-set 62// this script shall fire the FFC command when preset 62 is reached, so create this preset upfront
// when Preposition 62 is called it shall check every 500 mS if the preset was reached
// ones a positive position reached is received the FFC command is fired
// Payload("0x000601307000xx0002") where xx is the Preposition # in Hex. preset62 in this case
MessageCheck position_reached:={Message("rcp.xml?message=0x09a5") Payload("0x0006013070003e0002") IP("")};//Define a Timer for 500 mS
OperationMode triggerhalfasec:={Low(1)High(5)};
TempState(1):=triggerhalfasec;//The MessageCheck will occur every 500 mS
if(TempState(1)) then position_reached;// RCP FFC command
RcpCommand ffc:={Command("rcp.xml?command=0x09A5&type=P_OCTET&direction=WRITE&num=1&payload=0x800004050C030127020003")};// if it reaches the preposition, then fire ffc command
if(IsActivated(position_reached)) then ffc;
Create preset 62 and name it FFC
note: for this script it MUST be 62, if you want to use another preset you need to modify the script
For service request please continue as follow and obtain- Activate:
- Date and Time stamp + Milliseconds
- On Screen Display > AUX-ON 60
- Start recording if not already running, some options to record are:
note: In case the scene is sensitive due to security policy you can also zoom in and point camera elsewhere like sky or ground but preferable the scene should contain thermal contrast- preferred method to use screen recording and set optical and thermal image side by side
- When ActiveX is installed the Internet Explorer live page has a record button
- When using BVC the live page also has an record button in the corner
- Any other type of footage is also good
- Make short video clips of ~1min of each failing camera containing approx 4 x FFC (wait 15seconds between each FFC)
a successful FFC can be recognized by the blue square that short appears in the corner
- Fire FFC
- Use one of the 3 methods to fire FFC > briefly a blue square is displayed in the corner indicating the FFC takes place
- Move camera a bit
- Fire FFC again
- Use one of the 3 methods to fire FFC > briefly a blue square is displayed in the corner indicating the FFC takes place
- Provide to Technical support from each failing camera
- 1min of video with 4x FFC (fire every 15sec)
- Camera maintenance log
- Type of power used for the camera
- screenshot of the camera Overview page
- Used firmware, preferable the test took place with latest camera firmware
- How many Thermal cameras does the customer has, provide overview of installed base incl serial numbers
- How many are failing, provide serial numbers