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Table of Contents


Bosch's Remote System Management service leverages the power of the Internet of Things (IoT) to provide secure, transparent, and cost-effective asset management throughout the lifecycle of a video system.

This service enables end users, system integrators, and installers to centrally manage inventory, updates, and health monitoring for an entire Bosch video system (DIVAR IP + BVMS + cameras) from the Remote Portal platform. With 24/7 system monitoring, users can proactively address issues, such as preventing video loss due to hard drive failure. The secure MQTTS connection ensures data privacy, as video footage cannot be accessed through this protocol. Remote software and firmware rollouts keep the system up-to-date and secure. Cloud connectivity is established through a single outbound connection from the DIVAR IP to Remote Portal, simplifying communication for the entire video system. This service is designed for larger organizations performing system maintenance across multiple sites or installers offering services to various customers. Benefits include increased efficiency, reduced on-site visits, and improved service experience through proactive issue resolution. Additionally, the service contributes to minimizing CO2 emissions.

For additional details please refer to the latest datasheet and service description in the product catalog by searching for "CBS-RM-DIP".




Please let us know what you appreciate about the service and any areas where we can make improvements. Feel free to reach out to us via email at (info)

Applicable DIVAR IPs


Note: To ensure you have the most up-to-date system requirements, please refer to the latest datasheet in the product catalog.


DIVAR IP all-in-one 4000 (DIP-44xx)

DIVAR IP System Manager 2.3 or above

DIVAR IP all-in-one 5000 (DIP-52xx)

DIVAR IP System Manager 2.3 or above

DIVAR IP all-in-one 6000 (DIP-64xx)

DIVAR IP System Manager 2.3 or above

DIVAR IP all-in-one 7000 (DIP-72xx)

DIVAR IP all-in-one 7000 (DIP-73xx)

DIVAR IP all-in-one 7000 (DIP-74xx)  +++ NEW +++

DIVAR IP System Manager 2.3 or above

DIVAR IP System Manager 2.3 or above

DIVAR IP System Manager 2.3 or above

Note: All three DIVAR IP operation modes are supported. Cameras are only integrated when operating in BVMS mode. (info)

Key Features at a Glance

Use CaseIDDescription
Inventory Management
(How-to video)
  • Review DIVAR IP and camera hardware inventory information (model, serial number, and more)
  • Review installed DIVAR IP software inventory details (BVMS version, patches, BVMS sub-components like VRM, Windows version)
  • Review installed camera firmware versions
  • Generate and share inventory reports for hardware, software, and firmware details, including CSV exports (supports multiple systems)
  • Review and share update campaign reports, including CSV exports

Update Management
(How-to video)
  • Updates via Remote Portal for

    • BVMS server patches

    • Remote Portal Health Monitor
    • DIVAR IP System Manager
    • Camera Firmware (flexible version choice)

Health Monitoring
(How-to video)
  • Real-time status
    • Connectivity (DIVAR IP and cameras)
    • Update availability (DIVAR IP and cameras)
    • Camera access authorization by DIVAR IP and certificate validity
  • DIVAR IP hardware health insights (based on SuperDoctor 5)

    • Power Supply status
    • RAID status
    • Physical disk status (incl. operating system drives)
    • Temperature
    • Fan status
    • Chassis intrusion
  • Health alerts via Email

  • Recording health insights (for all instances per camera)

    • Green - no issues
    • Yellow - camera buffers packets as it cannot reach its iSCSI target
    • Red - packet loss occurred


Remote System Management - Q3/2024 (as of 2024-





DIVAR IP SoftwareDescription

DIVAR IP System Manager 2.3.2

Fixes bugs and improves security. 

(release notes)

(download installer)

Support of
Use CaseIDDescriptionGeneral 1267
Health Monitoring

New Connectivity tab for DIVAR IPs as a preparation for the upcoming (optional) Video Connection as enabler for VideoView+ service for DIVAR IPs.

Improvements on the Alert History as part of the Remote Alert service. 

Inventory Management
Introduced pagination for inventory reports.
General 1267

Support of DIP-74xx

Remote System Management - Q2/2024

Use CaseIDDescription
Update Management5790

The DIVAR IP software update dialog now filters relevant BVMS patches matching the BVMS version installed on the system. (lightbulb)

Inventory Management5964

Simplified the Inventory Report by removing the Device Type column, as it was redundant to the other columns.

Health Monitoring5948Bugfix (tick) | When had seen issues when accessing the Remote Alert page after moving DIVAR IP systems from one company account to another one. This has now been fixed.

Bugfix (tick) | (warning) Action required: SuperDoctor Service Restart Implemented for Remote Portal Health Monitor Reporting Issue

We have resolved an intermittent bug in our cloud service that caused SuperDoctor to stop writing values to the file used by Remote Portal Health Monitor. As a result, Remote Portal Health Monitor incorrectly reported SuperDoctor as DOWN and failed to send health status values. Please update to Remote Portal Health Monitor version 1.1.2 to fix the issue.

Connecting DIVAR IP system to Remote Portal5723

Bugfix (tick) | When registering a DIVAR IP system to Remote Portal the progress indicator icon would not finish spinning, from time to time, after successful registration. This has now been fixed.


Single Sign-on (SSO) usage: If you started using SSO in Remote Portal, you currently need to generate a temporary technical password to register new systems to Remote Portal.

(info) A detailed how-to guide can be found here.

Remote System Management - Q1/2024

DIVAR IP SoftwareDescription

System Manager 2.3

Improves user experience and security (incl. BOSCH-SA-637386-BT security advisory).

(release notes)

(download installer)

Use CaseIDDescription
Infrastructure Upgrade410

In order to enhance user experience and security for all connected recording and management systems, Bosch has upgraded the cloud and service infrastructure. For details on required user actions, please refer the how-to guide.

After installation of the DIVAR IP System Manager 2.3, users will be able to select company accounts directly from a list in the local DIVAR IP System Manager interface, eliminating the need to define a "default commissioning company" in Remote Portal beforehand.


Free 30-day trial will be available to all systems after restoring the connection to Remote Portal (lightbulb)

To ensure a seamless transition to the next Remote System Management license after 30 days, it is important to activate the Auto renew option.

The changes to the DIVAR IP registration process may result in a slightly longer duration until the system is fully operational on the Remote Portal. This enhancement includes an automated background installation process that installs a new software package ("Remote Portal Health Monitor") to the DIVAR IP system.

License Activation5634

To make the Remote System Management service activation easier, the activation dialog now only lists relevant options based on the DIVAR IP family (4000/5000/6000/7000).


In the Service Licensing section, the Remote System Management service licenses can now be managed and deleted in list view, as well.


Remote System Management service activation is now only possible after system registration in Remote Portal is complete. This prevents conflicts where the service activation was triggered before the system was fully available.

Update Management(warning)

BOSCH-SA-090577-BT security advisory: Security patches are available for remote updates on BVMS versions 11.1.1 and 12.0.1. This update applies to all supported DIVAR IP all-in-one families.


We have addressed an issue where the update dialog for software packages became excessively long, making the 'x' button to exit the dialog inaccessible. This bug has been resolved to ensure a seamless user experience, especially when dealing with lengthy lists of BVMS patches.


To enhance usability, we have implemented a feature where selecting a checkbox on the DIVAR IP details page will now activate the context menu located at the bottom right, making it even easier to trigger updates.

Inventory Management


To enhance the clarity of inventory information for DIVAR IPs, we have now included the family name and commercial type number, allowing for more meaningful insights at a glance.


We have resolved a bug where the icon for every DIVAR IP family was not being displayed correctly. This issue has been fixed.

User Management


Bug fixed (tick) The technician role now has access to the Controls functionality, which includes renaming DIVAR IP, deleting DIVAR IP, and generating inventory reports.

Remote Alert5530

Remote Alert email notifications stabilized for new firmware availability

General Issues5731

We have addressed an issue where a full page refresh was occurring periodically, causing inconvenience by closing open DIP details pop-up, among other things. This bug has now been resolved.

Testing Remote System Management (demo licenses)(info)To facilitate more comprehensive testing and evaluation of the Remote System Management service and the benefit it can bring to your operations, we offer 3-month demo licenses. These licenses can be requested through your local sales representative.

Remote System Management - Q4/2023

Use CaseIDDescription
Update Management(info)

We have improved the process for providing the latest BVMS patches and firmware versions.

729, 5155

We have resolved an issue where users with the technician role were unable to initiate updates on the DIVAR IP details page.

General improvements

(info) (released in 02/24)

We have upgraded the cloud and service infrastructure to enhance user experience and security for all connected recording and management systems. The upcoming DIVAR IP System Manager version in Q1/2024 will introduce UX improvements for registering and provisioning new systems to Remote Portal. Users will be able to select company accounts directly from a list in the local DIVAR IP System Manager interface, eliminating the need to define a "default commissioning company" in Remote Portal beforehand.


As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the DIVAR IP to Remote Portal experience, we have made significant progress in integrating remote video viewing with our Video Security Client and App.

Health Monitoring991

Based on user feedback, we have identified a scenario where a warning is displayed even though the system is functioning correctly. This can occur when a recording profile is active, keeping the recording engine operational while disabling the stream due to no intended recording. Specifically, this is the case when using the "No Recording" profile ("Keine Aufzeichnung" in German, see screenshot below).


We optimized the data traffic for continuously sending DIVAR IP health parameters to the Remote Portal. This optimization reduces data usage to a minimum, making it beneficial for installations with internet connectivity through cellular network routers.

Remote System Management - Q3/2023

Use CaseIDDescription
Update Management758Remote System Management supports ‘Secure by Default’ as a cyber security quality standard for our IP camera range.

Changed update behavior for offline devices.

New behavior - Devices that are offline at the time an update is triggered will be excluded from the update campaign.

Old behavior - whenever a device came back online, a previously triggered update campaign would wait for this device and apply the update whenever the device is reachable again.


Note: as not every BVMS patch applies to every customer system, the update icon in Remote Portal for the respective DIVAR IP unit will remain in status green once a new BVMS patch is made available. However, a notification email will be sent to all (Remote Alert) subscribers that a new software package is available.

Health Monitoring747Health information display was adjusted such that no health information will be displayed anymore for cameras as well as DIVAR IPs that are offline. Before, the latest known health status was still shown.

Fixed a bug where a redundant alert email was sent out when a new Remote Portal version was made available.

Remote System Management - Q2/2023

New functionality as of July 2023

DIVAR IP SoftwareDescription

System Manager 2.1

Enables connectivity to Remote Portal for DIP-52xx and DIP-72xx

(release notes)

(download installer)

(how to prepare your DIVAR IP to connect to Remote Portal)

Use CaseIDDescription
Service Licensing

1247, 4728
  • 30-day trial period, free-of-charge
    • All above listed DIVAR IP families, connected to the Bosch Remote Portal, will receive a 30-day trial period free-of-charge automatically upon first registration of the DIVAR IP system in Remote Portal
    • Note: Manual activation is needed per individual DIVAR IP. trial period does not start automatically as soon as the DIVAR IP is registered in Remote Portal
  • 1-year commercial licenses/CTNs:
    • CBS-RM-DIP4 Remote System Management DIP 4000 1yr
    • CBS-RM-DIP5 Remote System Management DIP 5000 1yr (NEW)
    • CBS-RM-DIP6 Remote System Management DIP 6000 1yr
    • CBS-RM-DIP7 Remote System Management DIP 7000 1yr
  • License Expiration Notice (email to all administrators) is now sent 60 days prior to deadline instead of 30 days
Connecting DIVAR IP to Bosch Remote PortalSystem Manager 2.1
  • Improved robustness of the provisioning flow solving issues when trying to establish a connection between the DIVAR IP and Remote Portal

  • Not successfully provisioned/registered DIVAR IPs are indicated with a light red background color on the "Systems" page, the DIVAR IP details page shows dashes for all values and no health information
Update Management/
  • UI improvement: the width of "Software Packages" / "Update" dialog has been increased to improve legibility
Health Monitoring401, 719
  • The (periodic) update of status icons (health, connectivity, updates) was improved

Remote System Management - Q1/2023 - Initial Release

New functionality as of March 2023

Use CaseIDDescription
Inventory Management
(How-to video)
  • Review DIVAR IP and camera hardware inventory information (model, serial number, and more)
  • Review installed DIVAR IP software inventory details (BVMS version, patches, BVMS sub-components like VRM, Windows version)
  • Review installed camera firmware versions
  • Generate inventory reports for hardware, software, and firmware details, including CSV exports (supports multiple systems)
  • Access update campaign reports, including CSV exports

Update Management
(How-to video)
  • Updates via Remote Portal for

    • BVMS server patches

    • Camera Firmware (flexible version choice)

    • DIVAR IP System Manager
Health Monitoring
(How-to video)
  • Real-time status
    • Connectivity (DIVAR IP and cameras)
    • Update availability (DIVAR IP and cameras)
    • Camera access authorization and certificate validity
  • DIVAR IP hardware health insights (based on SuperDoctor 5)

    • Power Supply status
    • RAID status
    • Physical disk status (incl. operating system drives)
    • Temperature
    • Fan status
    • Chassis intrusion
  • Health alerts via Email

  • Recording health insights (for all instances per camera)

    • Green - no issues
    • Yellow - camera buffers packets as it cannot reach its iSCSI target
    • Red - packet loss occurred

Limitations / Known issues

DIVAR IP registration not working 815, 849 (resolved)

Based on user feedback, we have identified instances where the provisioning/registration of a DIVAR IP to Remote Portal may not be successful.

User Management


Currently, the technician role does not have access to the controls functionality, which includes renaming DIVAR IP, deleting DIVAR IP, and generating inventory reports.

Only administrators can provision / register DIVAR IPs to Remote Portal.
Update Management1267We are actively working on enabling BVMS version upgrades, but please be aware that it is currently not supported.

Inconsistent information display: After remote updates of DIVAR IP System Manager, the version in add/remove programs on the DIVAR IP may not reflect the latest update. It will continue to display the initial installation version from the DIVAR IP System Manager setup program.

Updates for SuperDoctor are available, but there are certain limitations. Since SuperDoctor is a third-party software, not developed by Bosch, the update process involves uninstalling the old version and installing the new version. Please keep in mind that after the update, you will need to manually restart the service on the DIVAR IP, assign a new password, and if any custom settings were modified before, you may need to reconfigure the service.

The current update dialog does not filter BVMS patches based on the installed version on the DIVAR IP. As a result, you may come across irrelevant software packages. However, if you unintentionally update an irrelevant patch for a specific BVMS version, the Windows system will identify this and disregard it. In the update report, these updates will be labeled as "Installation error.", while the relevant patches will be marked as "success":

403074Patches for BVMS cannot be applied to clients installed and operated on workstations outside of the DIVAR IP unit.
License Management / Licensing405388

It is currently not supported to display the BVMS software licensing status for a connected DIVAR IP.

Currently, commercial licensing is specifically tailored for DIVAR IPs operating in BVMS mode, which is the only mode enabling camera management. If you intend to use your DIVAR IP in VRM or iSCSI mode, we recommend discussing commercial alignment with your sales representative.

Remote Connect via Video Security Client / App147The current MQTTS connection used for this service does not support video streaming. However, we have plans to introduce an optional path for video streaming in the future. Please note that adding cameras directly to Remote Portal alongside the MQTTS connection is not tested or supported at this time.
Connecting DIVAR IP system to Bosch Remote Portal/

If you wish to de-provision (disconnect/unregister) a connected DIVAR IP from the Remote Portal and then re-provision/re-register it, please ensure that the DIVAR IP has the same System Manager version. Attempting this process with a different DIVAR IP System Manager version will result in failure.

102 (new)

Single Sign-on (SSO) usage: If you started using SSO in Remote Portal, you currently need to generate a temporary technical password to register new systems to Remote Portal.

(info) A detailed how-to guide can be found here.

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