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Possible causes and solution(s)

  • Symptoms

In large parts of the zoom range the camera simply does not focus, this is the same for manual PTZ and pre-sets.

  • Solution

Please proceed with following steps:

  1. Update the camera to latest Firmware
  2. Power cycle the camera
  3. Factory default it
  4. -> check behavior, if still poor focus, then:
  5. Connect camera directly to a computer in an isolated network (to avoid that a possible connected VMS pushes a config to the camera)
  6. Perform a hard reset using the reset button on the camera, see instructions from the manual:

    Steps to complete a hardware reset for all camera models

    1. Apply power to the camera.
    2. Find the IP address of the camera.
    3. Log on to the camera using the web browser. (Note: You can use Configuration Manager to identify the IP address.)
    4. Find the hardware reset button on the camera. (Refer to the figure below to find the reset button for your camera model.)
    5. Push and hold the reset button for more than 8 seconds. The red LED indicator on the PCBA board will come on to show that the hardware reset started.

      Note: You can also use a conductive wire to short the terminal block.

    6. Let the camera complete a self-check. When the self-check completes, the red LED will go

    7. Find the IP address again.

    8. Access the camera using the web browser.

    9. Set the initial service-level password for the camera

  7. ->check behavior, If there is still poor focus, then it seems this is HW related. The camera should be repaired/replaced via RMA in that case
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