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What do you need to know before opening a support case for third-party devices managed by Bosch software (BVMS)?
This article is applicable for all the requests related to third party products integrated in Bosch Video Management System Software over ONVIF.

Since 3rd party devices may be configured either via BVMS or Configuration Manager, the Central Support Team needs to identify what you are using and what the scenario is.
Therefore, before requesting support from the Central Technical Support Team (CTS), please always ensure and consider the following:

Step-by-step guide

1.Device and software identification

 If you are using BVMS, first the involved 3rd party devices and BVMS version need to be identified, in order to move forward with the troubleshooting steps.

The following details will have to be gathered:

  • The complete BVMS version incl. built (example: BVMS
  • Where is BVMS running, stand-alone or on a DIP unit
  • The DIP unit on which BVMS is running (model/version)
  • Where is the VSG running (provide server details) and what version is of VSG is used
  • Is the VSG on a virtual machine or not
  • 3rd party devices manufacturer
  • Number of 3rd party devices
  • All the product/ model/ commercial type numbers of your devices
  • Camera firmware version used
  • If available an Onvif Declaration of Conformity (DOC)

2. Compatibility and conformity

Check whether the 3rd party cameras are supported in BVMS. Please follow the steps from the article - How to check if a 3rd party camera is supported in BVMS? (link  to article - How to check if a 3rd party camera is supported in BVMS?)

  • your 3rd party devices are whitelisted for BVMS  or ONVIF Profile S conformant for BVMS 10.0 and above
  • your 3rd party devices are whitelisted for BVMS  and ONVIF Profile S conformant for BVMS 9.0 and below

3. Describe the issue and provide the following logging

⚠️ Important:

Before asking for assistance from the Central Technical Support Team, please make sure that you have checked, and you have collected the following:


If you are using devices that are not ONVIF Profile S, no support can be provided.

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