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When you open the BVMS Viewer Configuration Client version 11 or versions above for the first time, the following message is displayed:

"The system is running in an unregistered mode. Please activate your license package"

Starting with BVMS 11.0 the license activation will be done via the Bosch Remote Portal

For a proper use of BVMS Viewer version 11 or above, you need to activate the MBV-BVWR, which is FREE

Follow the steps below and find out how you can license BVMS Viewer for free.

Step-by-step guide

1. Click on the OK button from the message above.

2. Click Add... to enter the Add license dialog.

3. Click on the Save... to save your SystemInfo to a file.

4. Click the Save button and a file with the SystemInfo will be created. Save the SystemInfo file on your computer.

Note: If you do not have internet access on the computer where your BVMS application is installed, transfer the SystemInfo file to a computer with internet connection.

Activating the license

1. Browse and login with your credentials.

If you don't have an account create a new one. Fill in the required details on the form.

Go to the Software Licensing tab in the Remote Portal toolbar > click Activate Demo License in the bottom right corner of the display. 

2. The Activate Demo License window will appear. Upload the SystemInfo file that you saved earlier. Fill in the required information and click Activate

3.  After you successfully activate your license, you will see the following license dashboard in the Remote Portal. Click Download button to download the activation file and save it on your computer.

Note: If your BVMS application is not installed on the same computer where your activation file is saved, transfer the activation file to the computer with the BVMS application.

4.  Upload the generated activation file. Go back to your BVMS Viewer Configuration Client application and click the Open button under STEP 5 to upload your activation file.


Please note that might be situations when the "Open" button is not displayed, similar with the picture below:

This happens due to the display resolution you have. Please change the scale to 100% and resize the Display resolution for the "Open" Button to be displayed.

5. Select the lservrc_xxx... file downloaded from Bosch Remote Portal and click Open

After successfully uploading your activation file, the license status changes to “activated” and your license information will be displayed.
Your system is now ready to be used.

Nice to know:

If you want to double check the license activation status: Go to Tools > License Manager

A new window will pop-up and you will see the details of the BVMS Viewer 11 license:

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